How to Write a Will

A will provides information about the transfer of property, ornaments or land, from the testator to his beneficiaries, after his death. Everyone, regardless of age, needs a will. Without a will people wouldn't know where their assets would go. Writing a will is one of the most important things an individual can do in his or her lifetime. There are intestacy laws for those who do not make a will. But it is wise that the transfer of property be made in accordance with the deceased's wishes, as expressed in the will. A high proportion of adults own assets in the form of houses, cars, shares and insurance policies.

A person who makes a will is called a testator. Testators have the option of framing their own will or engage the services of an attorney. Prior to framing a will, a testator's objectives must be clear. An inventory of assets helps in estimating outstanding debts. A list of family members and other beneficiaries must be prepared. Testators must plan on passing their property to their heirs in the most tax-efficient manner. They may also establish a trust to provide monetary assistance to their spouse or other beneficiaries.

How To Decorate And Live Well

A witness is required to sign a copy of the will. The witness must not be a beneficiary of the will. Once the will is written, it should be stored in a safe place that is accessible to others after death. If a solicitor prepares the will, he should be given a copy with a note stating where the original copy could be found.

The death of a family member is something people wouldn't like to foresee. However, since death is inevitable, taking practical steps like making a will, secures the future of family members.

How to Write a Will

Wills provides detailed information on Free Wills, How to Write a Will, Last Will And Testament, Living Wills and more. Wills is affiliated with Living Will Forms [].